
MagicMail Support

Welcome to the MagicMail support site. Here you'll find documentation, and downloads.

Support Team Information

General support hours are 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Pacific time Monday through Friday.

Emergency support is available 24hrs a day (contact the sales department for details).

Telephone: (604) 682 - 0300

For technical support and information, contact us at support@magicmail.com.

For inquiries regarding support agreements and/or our MagicMail software, email us at sales@linuxmagic.com.

Sales Team Information

Sales hours are 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM Pacific time Monday through Friday. We can help with support contracts, MagicMail pricing information, and details on how our products and services can work for you.

Telephone: (604) 682 - 0300

Or try us at sales@linuxmagic.com.